
Underground sewage treatment

Underground sewage treatment
Product name:Underground sewage treatment
MBR integration buried sewage treatment equipment, membrane bioreactor (referred MBR) is one of the new wastewater treatment technology of membrane separation technology and bio-technology organic combination.
Membrane bioreactor (referred MBR) is one of the new wastewater treatment technology of membrane separation technology and bio-technology organic combination. It uses efficient retention performance membrane separation module, solid-liquid separation, and the traditional mud separation in different ways, there is no membrane bioreactor sludge bulking problem, so the membrane bioreactor can maintain a high sludge concentration. Efficient interception of film, you can make nitrobacteria completely trapped in the bioreactor, nitration reaction can be carried out smoothly, it can effectively remove ammonia; while trapped momentary degradation of organic molecules are difficult to extend these organisms in the reactor residence time so as to maximize the points down; after application of MBR technology, the main pollutants (COD) removal rate was 90%, suspended solids and turbidity of water production is close to zero, water quality is good and stable, can be directly reused to achieve the water resource.

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