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Qingdao Demele Environmental Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd
Headquarters:Qingdao Huangdao Ten Road Lingang 778
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Dissolved air floatation fmachine
Dissloved air flottion machine
Cavitation air floatation machine
Shallow layer sair floatation machine
Advection type air floatation precipitation machine
Underground sewage treatment
Integarted wastewater treatment system
Underground sewage treatment
Underground sewage treatment
Advection type air floatation precipitation machine
Electro-oxidation electric coagulation flotation machine
Micro flotation flotation machine
Integrated equipment for sewage treatment
Membrane bio-reactor
Machnical grills type mud removal machine
Conveyor without shift
Conveyor without shift
Rotary bell grit machine
Seperator of sand and water
Crane srcaper
Center drive mud scraper
Mud srcaper with peripheral drive
Chain scraping slag
Chain scraping scraper
No powr filters
Mechanical filter
Activated carbon filter
Sedimentation pond
Chlorine dioxide generator
Usanitary sewage processing craft
Medical service sewage treatment craft
Papermaking wastewater treatment and reuse technology
Slaughtering sewage treatment
Up-flow anaerobic sludge bed
Type air flotation preciitation machine
Horizontal belt vacuum filter
Type air floatation precipition machine
Settlement centrifuge decanter
The three-dimensional elastic packing
Soft packing
Semi Soft packing
Combined type double ring filler
Plastic helical tube honey comb packing
Suspended ball filler
Fiber ball packing
Activated carbon
Rotary mixing aerator
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