
Type air flotation preciitation machine

Type air flotation preciitation machine
Product name:Type air flotation preciitation machine
First, the device structure
    The entire apparatus of the sewage pumps, metering devices, dosing tank, reaction tank, flotation tank, flotation system, sand filters, activated carbon adsorption column and electric control system components, 10t / h the following combinations in the same base, 10t / h The above is easy to transport the parts to be assembled into a whole scene, according to user requirements (non-standard) design. When the entire device is adjusted to normal work, basically it can be in automatic operation, easy to operate.
Second, the scope
This equipment is mainly applicable to all types of wastewater floc specific gravity close to the water treated wastewater reacted, widely used in mechanical, chemical, textile, transportation, food and other industries, especially for oil drilling sewage, oil field injection water, oil refineries sewage treatment.
This machine treatment process using physical and chemical methods. The chemical method, flotation, filtration, adsorption, and other traditional crafts through mature organic combination designed. Process is simple and reasonable, adaptability, compact, easy to transport and install, easy to operate, reliable performance characteristics. For oil and water separation, removal of suspended solids, COD, BOD's have a good effect, generally treated wastewater can meet emission standards.

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