
Up-flow anaerobic sludge bed

Up-flow anaerobic sludge bed
Product name:Up-flow anaerobic sludge bed
IC anaerobic reactor is the company in the digestion and absorption of home and abroad based on the results, with Shandong University jointly developed organic wastewater treatment technology. It has been successfully applied to a variety of industrial wastewater treatment.
How it works:
    Setting the upper IC reactor gas, solid and liquid phase separator, the lower layer region and sludge suspended sludge bed area, water from the bottom of the reactor uniformly pumped into the sludge bed zone, full contact reaction with anaerobic sludge , organic matter is decomposed into methane by anaerobic microorganisms. Liquid, gas and solid mixture flow up to the formation of three-phase separator, so that the three well separated, so that more than 80% of the organic matter is converted into biogas, complete wastewater treatment process.
Its application characteristics:
   1, high COD load (5-10kgCODcr / m³ / d)
   2, can produce high sedimentation performance of granular sludge
   3, can produce energy (biogas)
   4, low operating costs
   5, high reliability
Its range of applications:
   1, high concentration organic wastewater, such as alcohol, molasses, citric acid and other waste water
   2, the concentration of water, such as beer, slaughter, soft drinks and other waste water
   3, low strength wastewater, such as sewage and other waste water
   1, the processing capacity of the molecule to medium temperature (about 35 degrees), the denominator is the normal temperature (20-25 degrees);
   2, the reactor may be square, rectangular or round, square, reinforced concrete structure, a circular steel structure or reinforced concrete structure;
   3, the specific size of the reactor is determined based on characteristics of the influent water quality;

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